The website is the property of Spac, a simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of 5 100 000 Euros registered at the Trade & Companies Register of Nanterre under number 542 064 175, headquartered at 1, rue du 1er Mai, Immeuble Axe Seine, 92 000 Nanterre.
Contact information:
Phone: 01 47 61 75 00
Publication director : Christophe Leblanc
Concept, design and creation: PRODIGIOUS FRANCE, a single-shareholder limited liability company with a share capital of €87 810.00, registered at the Trade & Companies Register of Bobigny under number 732 057 062, headquartered at 12 Rue James Watt - Le Spallis - Zac Pleyel Libération - 93200 Saint-Denis, carrying out its business activity under the business name PRODIGIOUS FRANCE, represented by Mr TRESAL-MAUROZ Frédéric, Claude, François, acting as Head of the company.
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The site and all of its content (such as texts, images, graphics, icons, logos, brands, sound, videos, expertise, data compilations and software) is the property of Spac, Segec, Colas Environnement or their subsidiaries, or is the subject of an authority to use them for their benefit. The content is protected by copyright and trademark law as well as other intellectual property rights, regardless of whether they are registered as such. The content is also protected by the provisions linked to unfair competition as well as by virtue of provisions related to international agreements and national legal instruments across the whole world.
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