Spac recycles and enhances the value of waste and materials at its infrastructure work sites, particularly materials that are the result of work done around clean-up, ground levelling, deconstruction, and pipe-laying. Spac therefore offers its customers circular economy solutions by making use of the Group’s recycling and value enhancement platforms as well as specialist treatment subsidiary entities, and also Colas Environment’s clean-up skillset. That’s how Spac contributes to preserving natural resources.
Circular economy solutions

Enhancing the value of materials by drawing on R&D
The circular economy has always been a central R&D theme for Spac. Work centres mainly on recycling excavated materials, the use of alternative materials such as organic residues, and also the seeking out of binders and additives that are industrial sub or co-products.

Developing value enhancement platforms and their uses
One of the main issues within the circular economy is the territorial network that offers to our customers outlets for local value enhancement for waste and recycled materials. Spac works a lot on the networking and development of value enhancement and the multi-activity platforms of the Colas Group and Colas Environment, including recycling and quarries.

Offering our customers circular economy solutions
Our work centres play a key role in the circular economy:
- Limiting waste produced by the site
- Promoting and suggesting solutions to enhance the value of materials in an operational way
- Suggesting solutions, through eco-variants, to preserve resources - such as onsite recycling

Integrating circular economy issues into the fabric of the Group
Raising awareness among workers, innovating, and rolling out day-to-day solutions are actually critical levers of action for accelerating the implementation of the circular economy. Among other things, these are a great opportunity for bedding down behavioural change on a personal, collective and also professional level.